Wednesday 29 February 2012

Raynox dcr - 250 Macro lens & Canon extension tube.

Monday 27 February 2012

Choices 4 U

My name is Lewis; I’m 25 and have a genetic disorder known as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

I had the opportunity to apply for a small grants scheme called 'Choices 4 U'. This scheme was set up for young disabled persons to make life enhancing choices and to inspire others in a similar position.

I decided I would use this Grant to enable me to further peruse my interest in art. I’d previously been designing cards and thought I could use this grant to take this further.

I wanted to also do photography which I could use in my card designs. So I applied for a macro lens for a pre-existing camera to allow me to capture close up details of objects. As well as the camera equipment I also applied for a card scoring machine which will be an invaluable piece of equipment.

This blog will show the work I'll create using the equipment purchased with the grant I was rewarded